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being a new mom AND a functioning human being: brain damage

Monday, October 25, 2010

brain damage

Hello and welcome to the annual installment of my writing. Sorry it's been so long. Actually I've been writing quite a bit, it just takes some immense wit to be interesting and funny in the blog, and I ran out of brain cells this summer. I've only just purchased some more.

Would that it was that easy to get smarter! I ran into a new mommy friend in the mall today and before I had exchanged phone numbers with her I was alerted to her status ("Stay at Home") by the look on her face: of confusion. I've recently been watching Bill Cosby talking in his heyday about how children are "brain damaged individuals" and I've been thinking one thing: "Is it them?" I'm pretty sure it takes some SORT of brain damage to decide to have a child and then a whole other extent of brain damage to actually KEEP having them. I remember so well when we had just the one child how I would absentmindedly think about the amazing amount of free time I had before I had children, when I would complain "I have no time" but really could sleep in as long as I wanted on the weekends, and never, ever had to get up in the middle of the night if I didn't want to. And then as you know, with more than one child, you are totally delighted if you have the chance to, say, run to the grocery store with just one of them because someone agreed to watch the other(s).

Ahem, so, it takes immense energy to be both informative (don't do it! Haha, just kidding, motherhood is so rewarding) and humorous that I have really had a hard time keeping up. Some of the issues I'd like to write about (child abuse, for example) are really stressful to write about and are really difficult to keep light enough to be funny. I mean, who wants to hear a funny story about child abuse?

I keep writing, and keep trying to make you laugh, dear reader, as always. And you should just remain glad that I'm even trying, what, with all the brain damage and all.


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