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being a new mom AND a functioning human being: still winter

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

still winter

"Um, Mom? Is it summer yet?" These are not uncommon words coming from my 4-year-old. And I look out the window, at the fresh 8 inches of snow, and sigh, "No, dear. It's still winter."

This is a really hard time of year for me, and for most moms and dads, stay-at-home or working. Since Winter began this time around on December first (I have a photo on my phone from the first snow...Dec. 1, 2010), it's been a really long time of snow and not being able to go out, of jackets and boots and gloves and hats and scarves. All I want is to be able to get 2 kids to the car with only clothes, and shoes. Nothing superfluous. But that's not to be, at least, not this month. So I am trying to find things to do inside the house (like you are, I'm sure), and since we've exhausted all the play-dough and markers, I'm asking the kids for help ("help" even when it's not so....helpful) on my quest to organize this little house.

Here's a few blogs that are really helpful in the quest for a great late-winter. They give me a lot of exciting and helpful information, and definitely help relieve the winter blahs--at least, long enough to remember that "spring is right around the corner, mom!"

The Lettered Cottage: a really neat blog about two creative and crazy folks who spend a lot of time on interior design and just getting things together--check out their before and after page--just incredible transformations from blah rooms to gorgeous spaces with little budgets. Where is my paint roller??

The Pioneer Woman--this blog is a great true story about Ree Drummond, a spoiled rich city kid who married a rancher and now entertains her children with photos of cows and buttery homemade food. Check it out, so cool:

Remember: it's almost here. Spring.


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