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being a new mom AND a functioning human being

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being a new mom AND a functioning human being: December 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's the Hap-Happiest Season of all!

It's Christmas time!

What a wonderful time of year. Yes, money is a little tight. Yes, people may get a little ornery. Yes, it was 3 degrees today when I woke up. Three. It's not even easy to say--like, "Hi Mom! Yep, it's EIGHTY here!"--that's easy to say. Three is like, maybe, how many batches of cookies you have to make. Not a degree. But hey! Merry Christmas!

I digress. It's a great time of year. Because if you don't fall for all that holiday buy-this-NOW! hoohah, you can take a look around and think, okay, there it goes! Another year has come and gone and it's almost over and what happened? In my life before it was a little like, well, I got my 3% raise, and let's see, I had another birthday.... But now in the "post-child" era of our lives (or post-having-a-night-life), it's easy to mark the year. Helena started potty training this year! I got pregnant again! (Surprise, if you didn't know!) We found out it's another girl! Did some great things, had some huge upsets, got through the year healthy, and phew! We're all here! It's a good time of year to think "Yeah, we did it again!"

This year I am looking at Helena, age 2 and a half, and seeing the world through her eyes. Every mall Santa is the real Santa. People are giving out and getting presents, just because they came into work today, or because we went to their house for dinner. Everyone is a little happier, or at least, they're trying really hard. Traffic is bad, but hey! You're two! As long as you have a granola bar or something and a dolly, you're pretty much content just hanging around, if the ride isn't too long.

So I'm happy, even though this year has been tough. This month has been tough. But things persevere, and we do too, and I look at my little family and think, this is mine! I made a little family of my own. And on Christmas, when the relatives start to come in, I'll be proud of my little family, and feeling unborn second daughter kick in my belly, and smiling, and thinking,


Just kidding. Merry Christmas!